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Rangefield Primary School

YR5/6AD news @RF

This term, the talented students of Class 5/6AD @FP have been diving into the world of computing, exploring an important topic: copyright. They’ve learned how copyright affects the content they use and create, gaining an understanding of how to respect the work of others while building their own creative projects.

With this knowledge in hand, the class has put their skills to the test by designing and building their very own websites using Google Sites! Each student has chosen a unique topic they’re passionate about, creating informative, eye-catching pages that showcase their creativity and newfound digital skills.

The project involved learning about design principles, embedding media, and curating original or properly attributed content—all while keeping in mind the importance of staying on the right side of copyright laws. The results have been truly impressive, with students proudly sharing their work and inspiring each other to think critically about the digital world.

Have a look at their sites here:

We are incredibly proud of their hard work and enthusiasm. Keep up the fantastic effort, 5/6AD!