Oakbridge Nursery news
Nursery have been saying goodbye to Autumn and hello to Winter. We’ve looked at the changes we can see and explored using our senses.
We’ve also welcomed Christmas into class. We’ve decorated our door like a gingerbread house, we’ve also been decorating our tree and sorting items into the correct bags just like little elves. Nursery have been using our fine motor skills to fill up Rudolph’s nose with red playdough balls, collecting magnetic coloured disks to create Christmas lights & Christmas/winter coloring.
It’s been such a busy time in Nursery but we’ve also squeezed in learning our Christmas nativity for this week and we can’t wait to show off our dance moves and songs that we’ve been practising. It’s so much fun at this time of the year and the children are enjoying all the festive fun!
Merry Christmas everyone, from the nursery team.